Gearbox Labs' mission is to produce cutting-edge and rigorous STEAM education resources and programs for schools, homeschools, out-of-school programs, and self-motivated learners.
Gearbox Labs is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Let us come to your facility and model how to implement our engineering, electronics, and coding projects with your students.
Through the generous support of our sponsors, we can make most of our residencies free to your organization.
Use the contact form (link at the bottom of the page) to ask us about a residency at your school.
Delivery includes:
Customized Content and Delivery
Hands-on instruction for learners
All Materials (i.e. electronics kits, books, 3D Printers and/or filament)
Professional development for facilitators
Multi-site coordination
Non-traditional learning environments
Special Project Preparation (Science Fairs, Engineering Contests)
Content can include:
Intro to Engineering, Electronics, and Coding with Arduino
Intermediate Engineering, Electronics and Coding with Arduino - Science Sensors
Advanced Engineering, Electronics, and Coding with Arduino - Robotics
3D Printing and 3D Design
Science Fair or Competition Project Development
Past residences include:
6th grade 3D Design and 3D Printing
7th-8th grade 3D Design and 3D Printing
6th-grade Introduction to Engineering, Electronics, and Coding using Arduino
7th, 8th, and 9th grades Intermediate Engineering, Electronics, and Coding using Arduino (Science Sensors) including distance, temperature, humidity, and light.
11th and 12th grade focusing on portable water quality testing sensors including pH, water turbidity, dissolved solids, and water temperature.
8th grade students preparing to participate in the NASA Techrise. Students were one of 60 schools in the US selected to send a payload on a NASA balloon launch to 70,000 feet. The instrument set included GPS, LUX, Temperature, Methane, CO2, Air Pressure, and Ozone sensors with a camera and two SD Card readers to collect video and data. See the WiFi-connectednews story here LINK
Prepare 8th grade students for Mars Innovation Challenge. Submission of automated environmental controls system.
4th grade in Spanish introducing Arduino projects.
Partner Residency -5th grade to introduce Arduinos. Gearbox Labs picks up with the middle school students
Grades 9-11 Electronics Class integrating microcontrollers, coding and data collection
Grade 8 Advanced Engineering, Electronics, and Coding with Arduino - Robotics